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Belize 2025 ND Entrepreneur Retreat Schedule

January 12th, 2025

Welcome to San Ignacio!

4:00 PM| Welcome to San Igancio- Settle in, Soothe Your System, and Relax! 

6:00 PMDinner & Introductions together in the Treehouse

7:30 PMBonfire on the beach after dinner & Opening Ceremony

January 13th, 2025

7:00 AM | Breakfast 

8:00 AMSound Healing at pool

9:30 AMHarnessing the Polyvagal Perspective: Strategies for Burnout Prevention For Neurodivergent Therapists| Gabrielle Juliano-Villani, LCSW

10:45 AM | Understanding Your Neurodivergent Strengths as a Therapist | Patrick Casale, LCMHC 

12:00 PM | Lunch

1:30 PM-3:00 PM | River Tubing or Canoeing as a group, or Free Time To Relax

3:30 PM | Free Time until Dinner 

6:30 PM | Dinner 


January 14th, 2025

6:45 AM | Breakfast

8:00 AM- 2:00 PM| Mayan Ruins Excursion and San Ignacio Market

** Lunch at market on own **

2:30 PM | Free Time until dinner

6:30 PM | Dinner

8:00 PM| Optional Sound Bath at pool

January 15th, 2025

7:00 AM | Breakfast

8:00 AM| Sound Healing on lawn behind main building

9:30 AM| Decoding the Nervous System: Mapping for Insights and Empowerment| Gabrielle Juliano-Villani, LCSW

10:45 AM | Harnessing Chaos & Channeling Creativity: When Neurotypes Collide| Patrick Casale, LCMHC

12:00 PM | Lunch

2:00 PM| Free Time--- some people are going cliff jumping

6:30 PM | Farewell Dinner 

January 16th, 2025

6:30 AM| Breakfast & Head to Airport

Retreat Address

Largo Giacomo Leopardi, 13,
63848 Petritoli FM, Italy

Retreat Hosts' Phone #s:

Patrick Casale:
(828) 774-9732

Jennifer Agee:
(913) 237-3011

Retreat Hosts' Emails

Patrick Casale:
[email protected]

Jennifer Agee:
[email protected]